Photo management is easier than you think

I know it sounds cliché to say this but y’all have been in my DMs for years about this!

You struggle with the photo process. Maybe just one part of it. Maybe the whole dang thing. And for good reason.

It’s the most important part of memory keeping and the most complicated.

For years all I had to give as a resource was an old video from 2017 and links to my printer and papers. I would try to explain certain parts if I was asked as I’m not trying to gatekeep.

I want us to have a healthy relationship with our digital photos as well as our printed ones.

I finally put all the info into one place for you to keep forever in my new course: PHOTO TO FINISHED 📸

The course is now open so we can work together on a plan for your photos! 💛

One time

If you want to be consistent with your photo process, you need photos. This means you need to print them, and to print them you need to have them organized. and to organize them you need a process. Let’s talk about how you can steal MY process for printing photos.

✓ Over 90 minutes of video content
✓ Self-paced video instruction
✓ Printables and worksheets to keep you organized
✓ Private group with access to Dre + other members
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

A handwritten font with a smidge of sass
